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Ct Dmv Q1 Form

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Connecticut Motor Vehicle and Vessel Gift Declaration

  1. Ct Dmv Q1 Forms
  2. Ct Dmv Q1 Form Pdf

TO: State of Connecticut, Department of Motor Vehicles, 60 State Street, Wethersfield, CT WHO MAY APPLY SECTION 1 VEHICLE AND TITLE INFORMATION HERE REASON FOR APPLICATION (Check one) IF REQUESTING REPLACEMENT TITLE (Check one below) OWNERSHIP TRANSFER (MUST INCLUDE FORM Q-1) REPLACEMENT TITLE LOST STOLEN MUTILATED (Please attach. What is a CT DMV q1 form? Connecticut Titled For registration of a non-titled vehicle, the registration from the last owner and a Supplemental Assignment of Ownership (form Q-1) and/or Bill of Sale (form H-31) is needed. This form is also available at your local DMV office. Transfer of ownership will not be valid unless form Q1 Supplemental Assignment of Ownership is included. If a lien was listed on the original Connecticut Certificate of Title, a lien release must be provided to the purchaser and must accompany the Application for Replacement Certificate of. Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles (CT) - DMV - Forms. Home About Us DMV Forms Driving Manuals Drivers License Site Map.

Motor Vehicle and Vessel
I,the undersigned (donor), residing at
AU-463 (Rev. 3/99)
On or about, I transferred ownership and title of a
to(donee), receiving no
compensation in return, in either cash, property or personal services;
There has been neither a promise to pay for said vehicle or vessel not any expectations of
any future compensation in either cash, property or personal services from the donee; and
The donee has not assumed payment of any chattel mortgage or conditional bill of sale on
I declare under penalties of false statement that I have examined this information and to the best
of my knowledge and belief it is true, complete and correct. (The penalty for false statement is
imprisonment not to exceed one year or a fine not to exceed two thousand dollars, or both.)
Print Your Name
imprisonment not to exceed one year or a fine not to exceed two thousand dollars, or both.)
Print Your Name

Ct Dmv Q1 Forms

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Ct Dmv Q1 Form Pdf


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